[PREVIEW] PUNCH4NFDI results documentation


Public results of PUNCH4NFDI

This site is publishing results from PUNCH4NFDI which can also be preliminary or intermediate. Check our web page for general information on the consortium.

The goal of National Research Data Infrastructure (Nationale Forschungs-Daten Infrastruktur, NFDI) is to systematically index, edit, interconnect, and provide access to the valuable data obtained from science and research.

PUNCH4NFDI is the NFDI consortium of particle, astro-, astroparticle, hadron, and nuclear physics, involving about 9.000 scientists with a Ph.D. degree in Germany, who work in universities, the Max Planck society, the Leibniz Association, and the Helmholtz Association. PUNCH physics addresses the fundamental constituents of matter and their interactions, as well as their role in the development of the largest structures in the universe - stars and galaxies.

Task Area 1: Management and Governance. Task Area 1: Management and Governance
handles the managerial, financial and communicative tasks of the consortium. Members of Task Area 1 actively promote the integration of PUNCH4NFDI into the NFDI.
Task Area 2: Data management. Task Area 2: Data management
provides solutions for standardised data access and inter-operable storage solutions; it addresses the integration of storage with federated compute resources, and deals with dynamic and intelligent data handling for advanced workflows.
Task Area 3: Data transformations. Task Area 3: Data transformations
provides common data transformation tools and workflows required by large parts of the community on the data portal.
Task Area 4: Data portal. Task Area 4: Data portal
provides the portal which gives access to the underlying knowledge structure. Using the appropriate metadata, it connects the elements of interlinked digital research products that are central elements of the PUNCH knowledge fabric.
Task Area 5: Data irreversibility. Task Area 5: Data irreversibility
addresses the problems of data loss, the necessary “real-time” decisions and dynamical archiving capabilities. Loss will be inevitable and mostly irreversible, while off-line analyses or emerging additional information will feed back and dictate modifications of the on-line processes (“dynamic filtering”).
Task Area 6: Synergies & services. Task Area 6: Synergies & services
supports and strenghtens the collaborative and synergetic approach related to efficient data management in the PUNCH community.
Task Area 7: Education, Training, Outreach, Citizen Science. Task Area 7: Education, Training, Outreach, Citizen Science
provides training to the PUNCH community on data science methods, educates and engages with society at large in data science and addresses structural challenges related to gender equality.